Funding Options

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Direct Payments

The direct payments scheme is a UK Government initiative that allows you to receive a personal budget from your council to help you pay for the care and support you need day-to-day.

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It gives you more flexibility, control, and choice over arranging your support than if you were to take the traditional route of it being arranged by your council.

It allows you full responsibility for your care by either employing a personal care assistant or commissioning services for yourself.

This scheme is available in England, Scotland, or Wales, you will need to contact your council directly. To be eligible, you must also be over the age of 16 and have been assessed by social services.

You can use direct payments for a variety of things, such as services, equipment or activities that meet your social care needs.

Like many people, you may decide to choose a support provider, like complete independence, to take on all the employment duties and responsibilities and include this in the amount it charges.

At Complete Independence, we can assist you with managing support, timesheets, and the administrative load to make the support provision as seem as manageable as possible.

Private funding

All of our services can be funded privately. To discuss a bespoke package or to find out more about our costings, please get in touch.

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Our experienced team can discuss possible funding options with you, as well as provide information on how private funding may look in practicality.

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Social Services

You might be eligible for the local council to pay towards the cost of your social care if you have less than £23,250 in savings (called the upper capital limit, or UCL).

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Exactly how much your council will pay depends on what care you need and how much you can afford to pay.

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Continuing Healthcare Funding

Some people with complex support needs which include significant healthcare needs, may qualify for funding from their local Health Authority.

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To qualify for Continuing Health Care funding, the person must meet certain criteria, and this is usually jointly assessed by a Social Worker/Health Care Professional.

If you or someone you care for requires support services and are not sure how to progress with funding the support, please get in touch via Our team are on hand to provide no-obligation advice.

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